Appear, based in Oslo, Norway, is dedicated to designing and producing world-class equipment for the delivery of professional video services. The company’s mission is to deliver unique products that open up new opportunities for video distribution.

Appear works closely with customers to ensure that it is at the forefront of technology and at the same time offers user-friendly equipment. Millions of households around the world receive TV signals transmitted by Appear TV solutions.

At the centre of the company’s product range are Appear head-end solutions, designed following a modular ‘head-end’ philosophy, which provides flexibility and high density combined with reliability. Appear head-ends are deployed globally at cable, fibre-to-the-home (FTTH), broadband/ADSL, satellite and terrestrial operators as well as by Corporates, Government agencies and NGO’s.

All employees are dedicated to quality and service and the organisation has received industry recognition and awards for its technology leadership, financial performance and international growth.

Appear (originally Appear TV), was spun out of Tandberg Television ASA by 11 former employees. These employees all had a background in development, management and commercial operations, and were focused on broadband and IP-related business. Together, they had been major contributors to the pioneering work Tandberg had done in developing the IP broadband market, which quickly became one of the fastest growing segments in the broadcast industry. All founders had between five and 15 years experience, and brought considerable knowledge and important relationships that were critical in establishing Appear.

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